The Self Employment Training Program will be held in person at the Elgin Business Resource Centre. 300 South Edgeware Rd., St. Thomas, Building 1.
EBRC’s Self-Employment Training (SET) is designed to move you from that “light bulb” entrepreneurial idea through the process of researching, planning, and firming up creative business ideas, including writing a business concept.
Ideal for those who are thinking of starting a business and want to learn how to begin.
Designed to answer the important question ‘Is self-employment right for me?’
Five (5) – 1-hour modules to explore business basics of business reality, registration, daily operations, and more.
Recommended as a pre-requisite to Level 2 but not mandatory.
The SET program is a group classroom workshop structured series and is FREE to attend.
To register click on the link below. to find out more about The Self Employment Training Program please contact the Elgin Business Resource Centre: 519-633-7597